Writing Guides: Database Searching

Library Access

Library Website

Use this link to go directly to the Otto F. Linn Library website. From here you can explore the library catalog, guides, databases, and more. 

A-Z Databases

This link will take you directly to a page showing every database - organized alphabetically - you have access to through Warner Pacific. Some databases will have a description which will tell you what type of information you will find in the database.


Database Searching [Text for Graphics]


  • Links search terms together
    • Nursing = 1, 777, 130 results
    • Nursing AND pediatrics = 82, 149 results


  • Searches for one term or another
    • Nursing = 1, 777, 130 results
    • Nursing OR pediatrics = 3, 243, 306 results


  • Excludes the search terms directly following it
    • Nursing = 1, 777, 130 results
    • Nursing NOT pediatrics = 1, 702, 901 results


  • Attaches to the stem of a word and searches for any word including that stem, or letters before the asterisk
    • Nurs* will return results with the following words: Nurse, Nursing, Nurses

() Parentheses

  • Are used to encapsulate or statements
    • (elderly OR aged OR senior citizen OR geriatric)

" " Quotation Marks

  • Returns exactly what you typed inside the quotation marks
    • "Nursing Care" = 151, 506 results
    • Nursing Care = 791, 933 results

# or ! or ?  Symbols

  • Are used to assist with words that are spelled differently, but mean the same thing
    • wom!n = woman, women
    • colo#r = color, colour