Grammar & Writing Resources: Brain Food Resources

Tips & Tricks

How To Utilize Brain Food

Each week during the semester, Brain Food provides Warner Students with three new resources. These resources fall under the categories of Academics, Career Services, and Warner Pacific or Community resources. All the resources are available on campus and online.


When on campus, Brain Food is available Monday - Wednesday, from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in the dining hall. When Brain Food is not set up in the dining hall, you can find the week's current resource and previous ones in the Student Life Center (SLC) or in the Library at any time.


Online, you can find Brain Food resources advertised each week through The Shield, the online daily student newsletter designed to keep you informed of all current events and programs happening with Warner Pacific. You can access all the Brain Food resources online through our Google Drive, and now available to you through the library website and LibGuides.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out and the Academic Success Department will do our best to respond to your question.

Academic Resources

Career Resources

Warner Pacific and Community Resources

Brain Food Google Drive

You can access all the Brain Food resources through this Google platform by copying and pasting the link below into a new tab. 


Or, you can click on the hyperlink below titled: Brain Food - Google Drive.