In addition to EBooks, ACLS Humanities Collection books are also available in print and for check out at WPC, including but not limited to, the following titles:
Stories of Freedom in Black New York. By Shane White.
Call Number: F128.9 .N4 W48 2002
Available at Warner Pacific College Library Room 101
ISBN: 0674008936, 9780674008939
Publication Date: 2002
The Black Hearts of Men: Radical Abolitionists and the Transformation of Race. By John Stauffer.
Call Number: E449 .S813 2004
ISBN: 0674013670
Publication Date: 2004
The Strange Career of Jim Crow. By C. Vann Woodward.
Call Number: E185.61 .W86 1966
ISBN: 0195018052
Publication Date: 1966
If Warner Pacific University Library does not own a physical copy or an electronic copy of a book, article, CD/DVD, you still have options:
You can order books, articles, DVDs, and CDs from other libraries through Orbis Cascade Alliance Summit system, through the Warner online library catalog, which is comprised of 30 universities and colleges in Pacific Northwest. There are 30 million books and other media that is available to you.
Just order it and it will be here in a few days. Your tuition covers the cost, so take advantage of this for research materials that WPC does not own.
You can order as many items as you like from Summit, and it can be fun stuff too, not just school related.
Questions about how to order a book or article from Summit? Email or call the Service Desk at 503) 517- 1102.
If you cannot find an item in the online library catalog, you can use Interlibrary Loan, which gets books and other materials from the rest of the United States. Inter-library loan can take ten days to two weeks for delivery.
Interlibrary loan service assures Warner students of access to any journal article needed for their research. If you have determined that Warner Pacific does not have the needed material and that it is not available through a databases, ask for an Inter-library loan request form at the Service Desk.
The WorldCat library catalog will show you which libraries have the item you are searching for.